3 Trends Philanthropists Should Be Aware Of in 2018

Trends come and go, and in charitable organizations, it is no different. While philanthropy is a pretty steady market without much change – the you-give-and-someone-receives model is very standard – there are constant improvements within the industry that...

Top Ted Talks About Philanthropy

Charity is a huge part of our society. As a nation touted to be a melting pot of cultures, we have very diverse groups of people that are either struggling or wanting to help the struggling. Their circumstances are as different as they are individually unique. Because...

How To Choose A Charity

So, you want to make an impact on your community – that’s excellent news! You may be feeling stuck and unsure of how exactly to make an impactful donation. It’s quite common to have some questions about which charity is right for you. And with so many charities...