by | Apr 13, 2016 | Charity, Corporate Giving, Donations, MMR Group, Philanthropy, Social Responsibility
Leaders of companies around the world use philanthropy as a way to give back to the communities in which they work, some even sponsor ventures abroad. Ideally, the result of such is that the people are enhanced by and effectively part of the company. Likewise,...
by | Feb 3, 2016 | Charity, Donations, Philanthropy
Philanthropy is a hot topic these days. The subject of charity has even sparked think pieces and research projects from media and scholars to understand the science behind giving. Yet, the idea itself a rather broad concept, with an equally broad level of...
by | Jan 7, 2016 | Charity, Corporate Giving, Donations, MMR Group, Money, Philanthropy, Social Responsibility
Every year since 1979, the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree Program has worked with communities of generous donors to ensure that thousands of children and families enjoy gifts during the holidays, despite economic struggles. Last month, employees at MMR Group joined in...